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Alert test cases

Examples adapted from

Note: alerts should not get focus, but we include that in the testing to ensure screen readers don't get confused if they are, because it may be a common mistake.

Buttons to create different alerts:

Some text after the alert to help with selection in order to view alert source

Alert proteries

Superclass Role: region

Subclass Roles: alertdialog

Related Concepts: XForms alert

Inherited States and Properties: aria-atomic, aria-busy (state), aria-controls, aria-describedby, aria-disabled (state), aria-dropeffect, aria-expanded (state) aria-flowto, aria-grabbed (state) aria-haspopup, aria-hidden (state), aria-invalid (state), aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-live, aria-owns, aria-relevant,

Name From: author

Implicit Value for Role: Default for aria-live is assertive.

Accessibility 2.0

Managed by Lisa Seeman from Deque Systems