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Tab Panel (Bad Practice)

This test has:

Note: In my experience Aria Tabs are underused. Without ARIA, only presentation is used to show which tab panel is active and the concept of the tab being a section or page heading is lost.

Let me know if you can identify a coding patterns that suggest a tab.

Example 1: Pizza On-line Ordering System

Select Crust

Select Vegetables

Select Carnivore Options

Select Delivery Method


Characteristics of tab
Superclass Role:
Required Context Role:tablist
Supported States and Properties:aria-selected (state)
Inherited States and Properties:
Name From:
  • contents
  • author

tablist (role)

A list of tab elements, which are references to tabpanel elements.

To be keyboard accessible, authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants for all instances of this role, as described in Managing Focus.

tablist elements are typically placed near, usually preceding, a series of tabpanel elements. See the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide [ARIA-PRACTICES] for details on implementing a tab set design pattern.

Characteristics of tablist
Superclass Role:
Required Owned Elements:tab
Supported States and Properties:
Inherited States and Properties:
Name From:
  • author

tabpanel (role)

A container for the resources associated with a tab, where each tab is contained in a tablist.

Authors SHOULD associate a tabpanel element with its tab, either by using the aria-controls attribute on the tab to reference the tab panel, or by using the aria-labelledby attribute on the tab panel to reference the tab.

tablist elements are typically placed near, usually preceding, a series of tabpanel elements. See the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide [ARIA-PRACTICES] for details on implementing a tab set design pattern.

Characteristics of tabpanel
Superclass Role:region
Inherited States and Properties:
Name From:author
Accessible Name Required:True

Accessibility 2.0

Managed by Lisa Seeman from Deque Systems